Pisan Young Seminars in Applied and NUmerical Mathematics

Informal seminar series on numerical analysis and applied mathematics aimed at students.
The aim of the meetings is to present numerical analysis research topics in an accessible manner and to involve interested students. The seminars will have an introductory first part and will also be accessible to those unfamiliar with the subject. They will be held mainly in Italian, in line with the informal tone of the series.
Master’s students and Bachelor’s students who are familiar with the contents of the Scientific Computing course are encouraged to attend.
Organised by PhD students from the University of Pisa and the Scuola Normale Superiore.

Joint GNCS-SIAM Chapter Meeting

The first edition of the Joint GNCS-SIAM Chapter Meeting for Young Researchers in Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics will take place in Pavia on the 10-11 February 2025.

The conference is aimed at PhD students and young researchers, working in numerical analysis and applied mathematics. It is organized with the other italian SIAM Student Chapter: Università di Pavia – IMATI (UniPV-IMATI), Politecnico di Milano (PoliMi), Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (SISSA).


Upcoming Seminars

 16:00 – 22 January 2024

 Bernardo Collufio (Gran Sasso Science Institute)

Aula Seminari, Dipartimento di Matematica

 About Positivity of Runge-Kutta Semi-Lagrangian Scheme for BGK Equation

Semi-Lagrangian schemes have gained prominence in recent years for the numerical resolution of hyperbolic conservation laws, kinetic equations, fluid dynamics, and other applications. One for the main reason for their success lies in their excellent stability properties (they are not subject to the CFL condition, allowing the time step to be chosen larger compared to direct mesh-based methods). However, these methods are not conservative, and the preservation of invariants or positivity of the solution are not guaranteed. Positivity can be physically significant for certain applications, especially in the resolution of kinetic equations, where the solution represents a probability density that must inherently be positive. In this talk I will investigate the reasons why this property cannot always be ensured and how it can instead be enforced when solving the BGK equation, using some techniques applied recently for Runge Kutta IMEX schemes, while maintaining high order of accuracy and moment conservation.